Ragnarok Online character simulator and signature generator

Clothes dye


Hair color



Top & Mid

Mid & Low

Top, Mid & Low

Create signature

Una vez hayas dejado tu personaje como te gusta, desde aqui puedes generar una firma para usar en foros.

Write the name or text that you want to put on the signature (30 characters maximum)..

Create avatar

Use the selected background too

Character URL

Save this URL if you want to see this character again or link it from a website or forum:

With our Ragnarok Online character simulator you can see how your character would look so you can decide which style you like best. This simulator includes all classes including third classes and the official iRO and kRO dyes; on future updates we will add other custom dyes. You can also create a signature or avatar with your character which you can use in forums, instat messaging, etc.

Important: You must have JavaScript activated in order to be able to use this character simulator correctly.

Link us

You can use these banners to link us from your server's page, your blog or even in your signature on forums.

Banners for websites